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The Nature of eBooks

Curtis Press publish a range of titles dedicated to the future of science and, as you can imagine, these are littered with special characters, images, captions, footnotes, tables… well you get the gist! So when creating the reflowable ePub for one of their books, what is it possible to replicate?

The Nature of the Atom ebook

The truth is, although most eReaders view an ePub in slightly different ways, and they universally hand control over the content to the reader, it’s surprising how much can be retained.

Headings – All levels of headings can be replicated, with type size, type and weight of font all retained in proportion with the body text.

Spacing – Spacing above paragraphs can be maintained, not exactly as it is in the original document but the effect will be visible. Paragraph indents will also be faithfully reproduced.

Bullets and numbering – Bullet points and numbering, along with footnotes, will all come out well in an ePub.

The Nature of the Atom ebook

Images – Although images will generally appear much smaller than in the printed version, the quality is good and captions can be added and linked to the pictures.

Tables – Certain elements in tables cannot be reproduced, but in general the table appearance will look good with both horizontal and vertical lines coming out well, and tinted panels will translate correctly.

The Nature of the Atom ebook

Special characters – You can see in the images here that the Greek Beta and Alpha characters have translated well, along with superscript and subscript characters. This is obviously important when figures are being quoted.

The Nature of the Atom ebook

The Nature of the Atom ebook

The complete package

The images show on this page are from ‘The Nature of the Atom’, published by Curtis Press. The eBook is available in ePub and Kindle formats online, or you can order your printed copy. If you’d like to find out more about this title or others that Curtis Press have produced please visit their website at

The Nature of the Atom ebook

How can we help you?

At Falcon we offer publishers the best service possible at excellent rates. Whether you need typesetting, keying, scanning or ePublishing solutions you will find our quality control and flexibility second to none. Meeting your deadlines and taking the stress away from the publishing process are our key aims.

Contact us today!

Get in touch with us via our site or give us a call on +44 (0)1580 766001 for more information on how we can help you and your production process.